ICAD 14 is coming soon. The theme for this year is 'Unexpected.' Stay tuned for more details.

ICAD 14 is coming soon. The theme for this year is 'Unexpected.' Stay tuned for more details.


October 10 - November 10

ICAD 14 October 10 - November 10

For more than 10 years, Indonesian Contemporary Art & Design (ICAD) has showcased more than 500 art and design works from artists, designers, and creatives, hosted more than 150 programs with collaboration partners, and opened its door to millions of art and design enthusiasts.


How to get to ICAD

grandkemang Hotel

Jalan Kemang Raya No.2H , Kec. Mampang Prapatan, Kel. Bangka,

Jakarta Selatan, 12730


KRL Commuter Line Tanah Abang–Serpong

Stasiun Kebayoran Lama

TransJakarta Koridor 9 Pinang Ranti–Pluit

Halte Tegal Parang

TransJakarta Koridor 1 Blok M–Kota

Halte Blok M

MRT Jakarta Bunderan HI–Lebak Bulus

Stasiun Cipete Raya atau Stasiun Blok A

Petunjuk Bus dari Terminal Blok M

Kopaja P 19 arah Ragunan

Kopaja S 605A arah Cilandak / Ragunan